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Rotary Microtome (Improved Model)


A very popular and standard but economically priced sectioning device providing all advantages of a precision Rotary Microtome. The interior mechanism is seated on a heavy cast metal base and completely covered with a metal cover for protection from dust and grit. The Microtome is equipped with a ball and flange type object holder vice to get exact centering of specimen , knife holder with lateral movement permitting use of complete knife edge. All components are fabricated from Standard alloys/metals.
The knife supplied with the Microtome is forged from imported fine grain tool steel, tested for micro-structures and it is also heat treated for optimum rigidity & sharpness.Supplied with following accessories in wooden storing cabinet.

1. Razor 120mm with back and handle in box: 1 No.
2. Object Holder Set of 3: 1No.
3. Honing stone in Box: 1No.
4. Oil can: 1No.
5. Dust Cover: 1No
6. Illustrated operating manual: 1No.

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