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Metal-11.5 easily attaches to your upright or inverted microscope, and allows easy acquisition of high resolution images. Images are suitable for reports, presentations, measurements, and image analysis functions, software will improve your workflow for analysis of powdered metal, graphite in cast iron, heat treat, gray iron, powder metal, copper, and many other materials. Specific user-defined routines may be established for numerous materials including marten site, pearlite, ferrite, austenite, and many others, according to your own samples, sample prep, and optical setup. Easily capture, tag, annotate and archive images into your database,

  • Cut, Copy, and Paste.
  • Selected copy by free hand AOL controlled by four arrow keys available on keyboard or mouse with zoom preview.
  • Crop, duplicate, restore
  • Resize
  • Compression
  • Conversion to other format BMP, JPG, TIF, PNG, GIF & PSD
  • Flood fill or spray with selected color at selected portion.
  • Grid creation; 5X5, 10X10 & 100X100 grids (or cells).
  • Drawing tool curve, line, square, and circle with node control and provision to change color & thickness of the line.
  • Write text in any color or font.
  • Pointer to place on an object in either of four directions with provision to change its color & thickness.
  • Eraser works only on line, arrow or on any drawing tool.(not on original image)
  • Camera Lucida
  • Montage feature to merge stored image together. Useful to Merge different focuses of same image.
  • Image stitching.
  • Highlighter.
  • Pixel by Pixel Correction by key board.
  • Multiple image folder with Search facility.
  • Filter application on selected area
  • VIEW
  • Zoom in/out
  • Zoomed preview
  • Rotation at 90, 180,270 or custom
  • Image flipping; horizontal or vertical axis
  • Intensity histogram.
  • Image Information’s
  • Redo/Undo on all operations
    IMAGE PROCESSING Background subtraction and contrast enhancement of color or grayscale images Arithmatic image functions (Boolean Math; Add, AND, OR, XOR, DIFF, MIN, MAX, +, -, /, *, And Simple).
    ROUTINE FILTERS Invert, Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Saturation, Blur, Noise Remove, Emboss, Engrave, Gamma R, Gamma G, Gamma B, Yellow, Magenta, Cyan, Mosaic, Smooth.
    EDGE DETECTION Laplacing, Sobel, Krisch, Prewitt Gradient, Shift & Difference, Combine, Contrast Base, Quick, Range And Variance.
    GRAIN SIZE ASTM E-112, E-930, E1181, E-1382, ISO 643-03, JIS G 0551-05 BS 490 DIN 643-03, IS-4748-88, GB/T-6394
    SIS 111101 GOST 5639-82. Determine feritic and austerritic grain size in steel. The available methods are: 1. Automatic lineal heyn intercept method.2. Jeffries planimetric method. 3. Automatic and Semiautomatic Snyder and graff open scale intercept method. 4. Comparison method. 5. ALA grain size. 6. Selected grain size. 7. Manual count etc.

  • Facility to select number and orientation of linear test lines
  • Facility to select circular test lines
  • Facility for Angled (45 deg and 135 deg) test line for anisotropic and non-equiaxed grains analysis
  • Facility to select minimum number of intercept lines depending upon number of intercepts found
  • Facility to find intercept length and ASTM Grain No. for individual grains
  • Facility for selection of region of interest for planimetric method
  • Color coding of grains as per ASTM size number
  • Grain size distribution with graphical plot and identification of largest grain available
  • Auto grain boundary tracing and enhancing feature for automatic analysis
  • Pop-up alert for insufficient intercepts or grains in test region
  • PHASE SEGMENTATION Segmentation module in a sample measures the volume percentage of phases in a fully automatic way and is associated to a knew constitute of the specimen. Since a phase is detected and its area is estimated on the basis of its intensity/grayscale, an option for delineating phases from the histogram is also provided multiple phases are identified by colored overlays and can be simultaneously displayed for the same field of view. The area percentage data for each phase are displayed in class table. You can process and measures the unlimited number of images and all statistical data (area) will be accumulated in the class table. Automatic thresholding of the image, Pick & place of gray value for smart selection of a phase of interest from rest of the matrix Histogram, Color coding for independent phases, Facility for selection of region of interest upto 32 phases.
  • Spatial calibration
  • Line measurements for Distance, Length, Width, Perimeter, Angle, Three Point Radius.
  • Area by enclosed line controlled by four arrow keys available on keyboard arrows with zoomed preview.
  • Separation and rating as per ASTM E45, E1122
  • Showcase windows for all the separated and rated inclusions for cross verification with standard inclusion chart
  • Separation of superimposed inclusions (Sulphides superimposed overoxides) and rating them independently
  • Provision to compile results for number of fields of view as per various standards
  • COUNT AND CLASSIFICATION Identification of objects in an image, count them, obtain several features measurements. Objects identification by user or automatically. User defined classification on basis of size or intensity.
    THRESHOLD PARTICLE MEASUREMENT Manual, Auto bright and Auto dark methods to identify intensity range defined object to be measured. Various calculation & measurements available for selected Particle are; Dimensions, Area, Perimeter, Feret Length, Min/Max Radius, Thread Length, Thread Width, Fibre Length, Fibre Width.
    NON-METALLIC GRAPHITE ASTM E-1245 E ASTM E45-97, A547-19, ISO 4163-82, DIN 50602.Wizard determines contents of non metallic. Inclusion in rolled or forged steel products. According to ASTM, expression of results are in group A, b,C,D along with segmentation of thick/thin and its severity level.
    DECARBURIZATION ASTM E1077, ISO 3887, JIS-0557-98 BS-6617,IS-7754 DIN 50192.Decarburization module intended to measure decarburized depth of steel due to heating at elevated temperatures during hot working or by detecting changes in the microstructure, hardness or carbon content at the surface. The decarburized depth is taken as the depth where a uniform microstructure, hardness or carbon content at the base material is observed. The microscope image analysis system is accurate for-as hot rolled, as forged, as annealed and as normalized sample. The software performs interactive measurement of complete, partial or total decarburization conforming to industry standards. Facility for tracing decarb interface and selection of number of readings for better averaging
    LAMELLAR GRAPHITE Lamellar Graphite module is simple and straight forward. You need only to describe the sample and taken and the image of the sample rest is supported by powerful and complex image analysis algorithms. This modules evaluate and quantity in a fully automatic and consistent way FORM (Designated by roman no l to Val), size (Designated by Arabic no 1 to8) & type A to Either Graphite is determined at a magnification of 100 and recommended area size is 80mm.Result and images may be displayed and stored in either the industry standards Microsoft access database, where search facility can quickly find the results of a particular analysis using unique information such as customer, specimen type, data, operator etc.
    POROSITY ASTM 247, ASTM B 276: Pores in casting are estimated and reported on the basis of intensity. The percentage is calculated
    SPHEROIDAL GRAPHITE Spheroidal Graphite (Nodules) in cast iron are analysed by identifying the appropriate industry standards. The software determines proportion of graphite of non-round shape, for instance vermicular graphite. Nodules for (designated by Arabic no 1to 8) is reported along with calculated Nodules/sqmm.Artifact can be recognized and ignored. Following graphite measurement and classification, the software presents the result in both graphical and statistical formats. The full morphological analysis raw data is also displayed. Result and images may be displayed and stored in either the industry standard Microsoft access database format, or in an integrated database along with unique information such as customer, specimen type, data, operator etc.
  • Class separation of nodules as per shape factor and estimation of percentage nodularity (Facility to set the limits of class, if required)
  •  Size classification as per standard ASTM A 247 and estimation of percentage of each class
  •  Size threshold facility to filtrate non-graphite particles
  •  Phase analysis with facility to omit or consider graphite nodules
  •  Size classification as per ASTM A247
  •  Identification of largest flake in the field of view and reporting the respective size class
  • Percentage porosity estimation
  • Geometrical parameters such as length, diameter, perimeter estimation of Silicon cuboid particles
  • Dendritic Arm Spacing estimation
  • Anisotropy Index and Degree of Orientation estimation
  • Thickness of banding and inter-band spacing measurement
  • Object counting
  • Distance between any two points
  • Angle between any two edges
  • Area Measurement
  • Circle – radius, perimeter, circularity percentage measurement
  • Rectangle measurement
  • Irregular shape measurement
  • These analyses are used in various applications such as estimation of case hardening layer, decarb layer, interlamellar distance, particle count and size, weld penetration depth and other weld parameters etc.
    The test method covers measurement of the local thickness of metal and oxide coatings by microscopical examination of cross section.
    PLANAR STITCHING IN X AND Y DIRECTION One can stitch multiple images captured randomly in X and Y directions to offe complete presentation of interested area in single frame
  • Obtaining Fully focused image by smart image blending of partially focused images captured at different Z planes.
  • Extended depth of focus can also be done on-line without storing of images by just fine focusing the image gradually.
  • All the results can be reported in units like micron, mm, cm, inch etc.
  • Quick Calibration attachment system with freedom for adding additional
  • Magnifications
  • Digital reticle of various standards
  • As we are continuously improving & developing our products, this websites may not be updated with advancements done. However, we try our best to update the website for latest information's
    For complete updated specifications, please do ask for latest brochures

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