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Metal Star 11.1


Metal Star 11.1 easily attaches to your upright or inverted microscope, and allows easy acquisition of high resolution images. Images are suitable for reports, presentations, measurements, and image analysis functions, software will improve your workflow for analysis of powdered metal, graphite in cast iron, heat treat, gray iron, powder metal, copper, and many other materials. Specific user-defined routines may be established for numerous materials including marten site, pearlite, ferrite, austenite, and many others, according to your own samples, sample prep, and optical setup. Easily capture, tag, annotate and archive images into your database,

• Grain size Analysis module
• Particle size analysis module
• Coating thickness measurement
• Porosity analysis module
• Nodularity analysis module
• Inclusion Analysis module
• Phase Analysis module
• Flake Analysis module
• Dendrite Arm Spacing (for Al) Analysis module
• Decarburization Analysis module

Grain size Analysis module (as per IS 4748, ASTM-E112, ASTM-E930, ASTM-E1382 & DIN/EN/ISO 643, GOST 5639 AND JISG0551)
  • User defined program,
  • User defined image enhancement & grain detection functions,
  • User can save program as configuration for future use,
  • Automatically creates Grain Boundary structure,
  • Plan metric method,
  • Hayn Linear Intercept method,
  • Size distribute graph and chart with all statistical data
  • Hilliard/Abrams Circle Intercept method,
  • Manual grain analysis
  • Custom grain analysis functions,
  • Supports grain editing/correction,
  • ALA grain size (ASTM E930) analysis, Supports multiple samples
  • Particle count & size analysis module
  • User defined configurations with filter conditions
  • Image enhancement functions for particle detection
  • Analyze and detects particles based on defined configuration/filter
  • Analyze particles for length, area, circularity/elongation/roundness, Ferret length/major axis, minor axis
  • Can detect area, length, width, circularity/roundness/shape factor, ferret length, perimeter of various particles of different shapes like fibre, impurities on filter etc
  • can group particles identified into different buckets (user defined) by length, area, roundness, width, circularity etc
  • supports multiple samples
  • Coating thickness measurement (as per ASTM-E-384)
  • User defined configurations with filter conditions
  • Image enhancement functions
  • Automatically identifies coating boundary
  • Gives MIN/ MAX/ AVG/ STD DEV of results
  • Can measure thickness at user selected points, all points or at user selected intervals
  • Supports multiple samples
  • Porosity analysis module(as per ASTM B276)
  • User defined image enhancement and filter functions
  • User can save program as configuration
  • User can switch to LIVE video to further analyze a feature through focus adjustment
  • User can group selected features into different buckets based on size and shape
  • Can measure thickness at user selected points, all points or at user selected intervals
  • Supports multiple samples
  • Nodularity analysis module (as per ASTM A247)
  • User defined configurations with filter conditions
  • Nodularity by count, Nodularity by area and Nodule density
  • Group results by Nodule size 1 to 8
  • Can export results for Phase analysis
  • Automatically detects Nodules based on set filter conditions
  • Supports multiple samples
  • Inclusion Analysis module (as per ASTM-E-45, E1122, DIN 50602 (K-4 Method)-JIS G0555, E-1245, IS 210, IS 4163)
  • User defined configurations with filter conditions
  • Detects Inclusions and group by type (A, B, C, D) and further by THIN/THICK
  • Group results by Nodule size 1 to 8
  • Detection of Oversized Inclusions
  • Supports multiple samples
  • Phase Analysis module (as per ASTM E112, DIN/EN/ISO 643 ASTM-E-562), Non-metallic inclusion rating (ASTM E45 ISO4967 EN10247 (2007)
  • User defined configurations with filter conditions
  • Can import results from Nodule/Flake analysis for Graphite/Phase report
  • Can detect and isolate Nodules in the image automatically or manually
  • Supports Phase splitting
  • Supports Manual point count method
  • User can save configurations for future use
  • Supports multiple samples
  • Flake Analysis module
  • User defined configurations with filter conditions
  • Detects and group Flakes by type A, B, C, D and E
  • Detects and group Flakes by size (1 to 8)
  • User can manually set Flake types/correction
  • Can export results for Phase analysis
  • Supports multiple samples
  • Dendrite Arm Spacing (for Al) Analysis module
  • User defined configurations with filter conditions
  • Image enhancement functions
  • For analysis on Aluminum
  • Supports multiple samples
  • Decarburization Analysis module (as per ASTM E1077, IS6396, IS6416, IS13691)
  • User defined configurations with filter conditions
  • Image enhancement functions
  • Decarburization on Steel
  • Supports multiple samples
  • Case depth as per E-384
    Carbide - Determine by company with Replica
    2D measurements: Supports all 2D measurements like length, width, distance between points, angle, area, S-Das Value, Hardness conversion facility, Micron Maker, Vicker Hardness number, Degree of orientation, perimeter, Supports tools for boundary detection like Line, Circle, Arc, Angle, Curve, Closed curve
    Reports: Reports in PDF and Excel format
    Image functions: Image rotation, Gray scale, Image flipping (horizontal or vertical) Histograms, Invert, Brightness correction
    Filters Laplacian : Sobel, Blur, Noise reduction, Edge detection and enhancement filters Substraction, Morphology filters, Thresholding
    Images: Image database,Image
    database filtering by date and type (grains, phases, nodularity, inclusion etc),Image view or Live view,Switch between image view and live view,Supports multiple image formats like JPEG, BMP, PNG etc

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